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знак вопроса

   В нашем Лицее ежегодно проводится интеллектуальный марафон по разным предметам школьной программы. Форма проведения марафона варьируется, но суть остаётся прежней – удивить детей, расширить их кругозор, повысить интеллектуальный уровень, дать ученикам возможность взглянуть на физику, историю, литературу и другие предметы по-новому. Задача не из легких, я считаю. И часто  для её решения на помощь нам приходят оригинальные, необычные вопросы.

   В текущем учебном году, готовясь к традиционному марафону по английскому языку, обнаружила во всемирной паутине вот такой интересный список вопросов:


1. Who died on the date he was born, couldn’t spell his name, (or at least spelt it about 7 different ways), never went to university, but enriched the English language with 2000 new words?

2. How many queens of England have been named Elizabeth?   a) 2    b) 3   c) 4

3. Which doesn’t have its own parliament? A) Scotland b) Wales c) England

4. How many U.S. presidents have been assassinated? A) 2    b) 4    c) 6

5. What important events happened in England in a) 1066 b) 1666 c) 1966?

6. What’s the common nickname used by Aussies to refer to the English? A) yanks b) poms c) limeys

7. What’s the capital of A) the U.S.A.    b) Australia    c) India?

8. Which of the above has the largest number of English speakers?

9. What inventions were these people famous for? a) Stevenson    b) Watt    c) Baird

10.What do Paul McCartney, Elton John, Michael Caine, Ian McKellan, Sean Connery and Launcelot have in common?   They are / were all (apart from being old men) ……….………. .

11. What’s the second biggest English city?

12. If I ate haggis in Scotland, what would I be eating?

13. What are the first names of these 26 poets?   a) Keats b) Yeats c) Donne d) Byron e) Auden

f) Larkin g) Heaney h) Blake i) Milton j) Kipling  k) Wordsworth l) Shelley m) Coleridge n) Hopkins o) Hardy

p) Spender q) Dickinson r) Plath s) Whitman t) Hughes u) cummings v) Lear w) Jonson x) Burns y) Dowson z) Tennyson

14.What is a) the Edinburgh tattoo?   b) a Glasgow kiss     c) a Scotch egg

15. Is Puerto Rico American?

16. Complete the couples.

a) Fred & ………….. b) Bonny & ………….. c) Laurel & …………..

d) Romeo & ………….. e) Tom & ………….. f) Mickey & …………..

17. Complete the titles of these novels.

a) War & ………….. b) Pride & ………….. c) Dombey & …………..

d) Arms & the ………….. e) The old man & the …………..

18.What would happen to you if you were sent to Coventry?

19.Which English king is the only one known as “the great”?

20.Which English football / soccer teams are known as a) the gunners b) the hammers c) the magpies

Bonus question:

21. Which poet’s name is an anagram of toilets?

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