Do you happen to know which word to use?




Comic or comical? Historic or historical? Economic or economical? Classic or clas­sical? They seem very much alike but in fact there is a great difference between them.





Fast or quick?

These two frequently-used words are not com­pletely interchangeable. Fast refers to speed of movement or action: a fast train, a fast car, a fast runner. Quick relates to the lengh of time an event or action takes: a quick glance, a quick reply, a quick meal, a quick decision.

Small or little?

Both adjectives can describe the size of some­thing. Small is the neutral, gen­eral-purpose word, but lit­tle has an emotional ele­ment and conveys fond­ness or sympathy: What a nice little garden! I'd like to have a little house of my own.

Gold or golden?

Things actually made of gold are gold rather than golden. Things that have the colour of gold are golden: a gold watch, golden hair.

Comic or comical?

Comic means "intentionally funny, intended to entertain people and make them laugh". It is connected with comedy: a comic opera, a comic song, a comic strip (a series of cartoons), the Greek comic writ­ers, comic plays, comic films. Comic is usually translated into Russian as “комический, юмористический, смешной, комедийный”. Comical refers to unintentionally funny or ridiculous things and situations: a comical old hat, a comical effect, comical appearance, a comi­cal situation; this problem has a comical side. Comical can be translated into Russian as “комичный, смехотворный, потешный”

Historic or historical?

Historical characters and events are those which are connected with history or really existed in the past:a historical book, play, film; historical events and people; historical studies, historical lin­guistics, historical principles. A historical novel is a book which tells a story that is not true but which happens at a definite time in the past and which mentions real peo­ple or events from that time. Historic places or events are those which are thought to be very important in history, memo­rable or having an influence on history: a historic battle, a his­toric speech, a historic meeting, historic ^ buildings, historic times. The Battle of Waterloo (1815) was a historical event because it really happened and also a historic event as it had an important influence on English history.

Economic or economical?

Economic is connected with economics, trade, industry and the management of money: economic system, economic development, from an economic point of view, to be in a bad economic state, the government's eco­nomic policy, economic climate, economic growth. Economic is also designed to give profit: an economic rent (that is profitable for the landlord), economic freight rates. Economic is usually translated into Russian  “экономический, экономически выгодный, рентебельный”. Economical is prudent, practical, careful in the spending of money, time and in the use of resources; not wasteful: an economical person, an economical housewife, an economical method of heat­ing, an economical small car, an economi­cal washing machine. The Russian for economical is экономный, бережливый, экономичный.

Classic or classical?

Classic is something of the highest quality, serving as a model, standard: a classic horse race, a classic western movie. Classic is something very typical, well-known and important: a classic example, a classic case, a classic writer, a classic mistake. Classic is famous because of a long history: a classic event, classic battle-grounds. Classic is simple in style and likely to remain fashionable for a long time: a simple classic suit. Classic is usually translated into Russian as классический, образцовый, исторический, простой и строгий.

Classical is connected with art, life and litera­ture of ancient Greece and Rome: classical authors, classical languages, classi­cal style in architecture, classical statue. A classical education means классическое, гуманитарное образование. Classical music is serious and traditional in style, it is opposed to light, popular music. Classical is also based on an old system of principles, traditional: classical scientific ideas, classical sociology. Classical can be translated into Russian as классический, античный, гуманитарный, традиционный, типичный.

SpeakOut 2009/03 (73)

2 коммент.:

Анонимный комментирует...

thank you Vera Vladimirovna=)it is very useful for the my future examination of English=)

Вера Бушкова on 1 апреля 2011 г. в 15:36 комментирует...

I really hope so!

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