Конкурс знатоков англоговорящих стран

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку

Contest on English-Speaking Countries

Класс: 11

Цели мероприятия:

· Способствовать развитию и поддержанию интереса к языку.

· Способствовать повышению уровня владения языком.

· Способствовать расширению кругозора, творческих способностей, памяти, внимания.

Задачи мероприятия:

· Привлечь учащихся к творческой работе

· Обеспечить учащихся увлекательным материалом страноведческого и игрового характера

· Применить соревновательные формы внеклассной работы

Подготовительный этап:

Объединиться в команды и разработать презентацию-представление одной из основных семи англоговорящих стран (для каждой из команд).

Основной этап: проведение конкурса:

Good morning! I am happy to see you at our competition. It’s devoted to English-speaking countries. I am sure you’ve read a lot of books with useful information about the countries. This competition will show your achievements and your knowledge of the matter. I wish you every success. Be active, honest, industrious and helpful and you’ll win by all means. Keep in mind the slogan of today’s competition: Study English and you’ll be lucky!

Divide into teams, please.

The 1st game:

Will you mention English speaking countries in turn? Every country you name earns you one point. You are welcome.

The 2d game: “Flags and capitals”

Have a look at the blackboard. You see different flags. The 1st team must put cards with the names of the countries and the 2d team must put the names of capitals.

The 3d game: “Countries and Citizens”

You are to give the name of the nationality living in a country in the plural

· the USA: ( the Americans)

· the UK: (the British)

· Canada: (the Canadians)

· Australia: (the Australians)

· New Zealand: (the New Zealanders)

· India: (the Indians)

· Republic of Ireland:( the Irish )

The 4th game: “A word game”

Make as many words as you can from the word Measurement

The 5th game: “Riddle countries”

Guess the names of these countries. The winner will be the team that gives the right answer and does it quicker than the other team.

· This is one of the largest countries of the world. It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the east and by the Pacific Ocean in the west. What is it? (the USA)

· This country has a very high living standard. People speak many languages there. The main symbol on the flag is a maple leaf. What is it? (Canada)

· It is a country which looks like an island. It’s not very big but it’s very beautiful. It’s the country of fog and rain. There are a lot of places of interest. (New Zealand)

· This country occupies a whole continent. It has strange animals and plants. It’s very far from our country ( Australia ).

The 6th game: “The ABC game”

You’ll get some letters from the English alphabet. You must put this letter in the right order, so as to get the name of the country. The winner will be the team that finishes this kind of work earlier.

The 7th game: “Make the right choice”

You know it’s very important to make the right choice in our life. Now you’ll get the beginning of the sentence, you are to choose the right answer.

· Scotland is situated in Europe /Britain/ Asia.

· What is the name of the city one of whose parts is called the West End? New York/ London/ Canberra.

· Great Britain’s is a monarchy /a constitutional monody/a republic.

· Who spoke these lines: “To be or not to be : that is the question”? Hamlet /King Lear/ Othello.

· American Congress consists of the Senate and the House of Lords /Representatives/ Commons.

· Alexander Bell who invented the telephone was born in Scotland /the USA/ Canada.

The 8th game: “Parts and the Wholes”

Combine these parts so as to get a name. Who will be the first?

· San Britain

· Great Zealand

· New Francisco

· John Starr

· Ringo Harrison

· George McCartney

· Paul Lennon

The 9th game: “English or American?”

Now I’ll see whether you can distinguish American English from British English. Match the British English word and the American English word.

· a flat a elevator

· a left a grade

· a tin vacation

· a sweet the subway

· a from a can

· the tube a candy

· a cinema a movie

· holidays an apartment

Оценочно-рефлексивный этап: подведение итогов, награждение победителей:

Our competition is over. Let’s count the points and award the team-winner.

Thank you for an active part in the game, you are really bright and industrious. You can do different kinds of work. You know a lot about English speaking countries and I am sure that your good knowledge of English will help you in your future life.

Remember 10 steps to success:

1) Reserve - сдержанность

2) Silence - молчание

3) Order - порядок

4) Reduction - решительность

5) Moderation - умеренность

6) Industry - трудолюбие

7) Frugality - бережливость

8) Sincerity - искренность

9) Justice - справедливость

10) Cleanliness - чистоплотность

Использованная литература

1. Сигал Т.К. Готовимся к олимпиадам по английскому языку. 8-11 кл. – 2 изд. –М.:Айрис-пресс,2006.-240 с.

2. Выборова Г.Е., Махмурян К.С. Тесты по английскому языку для школьных олимпиад: Учебное пособие.-2-е издание.-М.:Флинта:Наука,199.-80с.

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